Beautycounter's Skin Twin Featherweight Foundation Review
I just finished my workout, I’m just out of the shower and getting ready, and I thought it would be a great day to review Beautycounter’s Skin Twin Featherweight Foundation that I’m really LOVING lately, and this is coming from a person who is super picky about foundation.
These Chemicals Disrupt Your Endocrine System (Skin & Health)
It's a topic I don't like to think about, but is so important (and we really can't ignore)... the impact exposure to chemicals can have on our health.
Quality vs. Quantity
Ever notice how easy it is to measure life based on Quantity? While I know I've had a lot more time to be still or quiet - things are bubbling up to the surface for me. A lot has to do with the amount I actually get done in a day.
Path of the Least Resistance
This is a tricky one! I mean, why would we ever be scared to succeed? Why would we be afraid of the very thing we want? Or what we're working so hard to achieve?
Why Fall is an Excellent Time to Start Exercising
Is Autumn your favorite season? Some of you might look forward to the cooler temperatures, warm brightly lit colors, soups, chili, chestnuts and pumpkin everything! The one thing I've noticed is for some, training takes a bit of a back seat.
Why Moving Your Body Matters
This is a tricky one! I mean, why would we ever be scared to succeed? Why would we be afraid of the very thing we want? Or what we're working so hard to achieve?
Do You Self Sabotage?
This is a tricky one! I mean, why would we ever be scared to succeed? Why would we be afraid of the very thing we want? Or what we're working so hard to achieve?
Get Your Mind Right...and Your Body and Health Will Follow
We are experts on human behavior, limiting beliefs, old stories you tell yourself, body science, confidence, motivation, and overall lifestyle and health. I am a “change agent” who helps clients set and achieve health goals and build new habits that ultimately serve them, as opposed to self-sabotaging daily.
How to Love the Skin Your In
I’ve been guilty of it, working for my ‘beach body’ and changing my diet to experience the same. There was a time when I would completely starve myself to get to a certain size, but not anymore.
My Review of Beautycounter's Beyond Gloss + Sheer Genius Conditioning Lipstick
I’m going to be honest, prior to Beautycounter I hardly ever wore lipstick and/or lip gloss. I honestly couldn’t find anything that didn’t taste like chemicals on my lips, and/or a lipstick that didn’t leave my lips even more dry than they were. Not only that, but I had NO idea just how much I was missing prior to trying my favorite Beyond Gloss and Sheer Genius Conditioning Lipstick.
Safer Beauty, The Politics + Advocating in Washington, DC
Every single one of our beauty products should be like that. We shouldn’t have to scan them to make sure they don’t have ingredients directly linked to cancers, endocrine disruption and hormones. We shouldn’t have to worry about heavy metals in our makeup or if a company is using child labor for the sparkly stuff in our eye shadow.
Why Women Should Strength Train
Whether it’s using body weight or dumbbells, strength training could make all the difference for women. There are many elements to strength training, also called resistance training or sometimes weight-lifting, but it essentially comes down to using your body weight against you or adding some basic weights to your workout routine.
Beautycounter’s new vitamin C Serum – my review & results!
I’m going to be honest, prior to Beautycounter launching their new vitamin C Serum, I hadn’t really ever tried one. I had NO idea just how magical it could be! Then, I started wondering why I waited so long! I’ve recently added the All Bright Serum to my routine, and it’s been a game changer to say the least! Today, on the blog, I’m sharing why I love it and some before and after photos.
Why You Might Need an Armpit Detox
Why You Might Need an Armpit Detox Help your body adjust to the change by using the Charcoal Cleansing Bar to wash your armpits daily. I still do this to help pull impurities out, plus I use this on the face, especially in the summer when I’m sweating and using a lot more sunscreen. You do this, so the charcoal can pull the impurities out before the sweat does!
Living Low Fodmap with SIBO (Small Intestinal Overgrowth)
Once I started to put the physical pieces together—the outward bloating with the inward distress—I decided to see a functional medicine doctor for candida, because at the time, I hadn’t heard of SIBO. The diagnosis I received was, in fact, SIBO: small intestine bacterial overgrowth.
My Review of Beautycounter's Think Big Mascara
We had two other versions of the mascara, prior to the Think Big Mascara launching and to be honest, I never spoke about our old version, especially here on the blog, because frankly I didn’t love it, and it just missed the mark for me. The mascara, I absolutely LOVE!
My Review of Beautycounter's Shampoo, Conditioner and Body Wash Review
Beautycounter’s Daily Shampoo & Conditioner as well as their Body Wash, Balm For All, and more!
All formulated without the use of over 1,800 harmful or questionable ingredients.
My Favorite Post Workout Cleanser
My skin is super sensitive and after my workouts each day, I need a cleanser that is not going to make my skin breakout and/or inflamed. I am happy to report, I have found my favorite, and I’m sharing it with you here today!
Get in Shape Faster! What's in Your Drink?!
As I walk through the clothing sections of stores over the past couple of weeks, I have noticed swimsuits and skin-bearing clothing hitting the shelves. This sight gave me a reminder that swimsuit, shorts, and tank top season is almost here! I know for myself, and many people, I start to take a second look at my daily diet and exercise routine to make sure I am hitting my personal goals so that I will feel confident and happy in my warm weather outfits.
My Skincare & Makeup Routine
So many of you have asked what my skincare routine is weekly, so below are the items I use on a daily basis for my skincare and make-up routine. I am serious about taking good care of my skin and weekly, I get asked what my skincare routine looks like.