Get Your Mind Right...and Your Body and Health Will Follow

Get your mind right...and your body and health will follow!  

 I’ve worked with women and men around the world to help break the crash dieting cycle through easy tools and usable insights.

You Might Ask What is a Health Coach?

We are experts on human behavior, limiting beliefs, old stories you tell yourself, body science, confidence, motivation, and overall lifestyle and health. I am a “change agent” who helps clients set and achieve health goals and build new habits that ultimately serve them, as opposed to self-sabotaging daily.

When I received my Holistic MBA, I had no idea going into my Mastery Program over 4 years ago that I would be coaching women and men around the globe how to finally break free from the habits, beliefs and mindset that ultimately kept them stuck.

When I first start working with a client, I need to understand and discover their “why” behind their desired health change.

My work is to help empower people as the experts on their own bodies, minds, and circumstances.

One way to pave your road to success is to make sure you identify challenges and blind spots that are preventing change. This is where within my coaching practice, we get REAL honest. Honestly is the best policy, as they say, right?!

With support, accountability and broad knowledge of health and wellness, I help people navigate a variety of health concerns. IBS anyone? Hormone imbalance? Can’t lose the last 10 pounds, and you feel like it’s hanging on to overall inflammation throughout your body? I know I’ve been there too!

No other health profession has this unique skill set. I truly believe that this is why health coaching fills a critical gap in our healthcare system and why health coaches are increasingly in demand. I want to make sure you’ve got the tools to succeed if you decide to step into it. Tools like your inner game. Because believe it or not it is absolutely in your control and is your responsibility, alone.

I’ve seen countless women and men succeed, which makes me so excited when they have struggled on their own. Making change can be tough. The last thing your subconscious wants you to do is being UNCOMFORTABLE.

Growth Can Be Downright Uncomfortable.

It mostly is because you’ve never been here before – you’ve never been this version of you. This is the BEST part! Your subconscious mind is like a huge memory bank. Its capacity is almost unlimited, and it permanently stores everything that ever happens to you. I’ve seen under hypnosis, older people can often remember, with really impressive clarity, events from fifty years before. Your subconscious mind is powerful beyond measure. When we look at its main job or function, it’s basically to make sure that you respond exactly the way you are programmed. This is where working on limiting beliefs comes in handy when working with your coach. Basically, your subconscious mind makes everything you say and do fit a pattern consistent with your self-concept, your one and only “master program” hidden inside. This is why repeating positive affirmations are so effective. You can actually reprogram your own thought patterns by slipping in positive affirmations or mantras daily. One thing to note, your conscious mind commands and your subconscious mind obeys always. It’s pretty cool when you study behavior and how much control we really do have. I like to think of the conscious mind as the gardener it’s the one, planting all the seeds that serve you or don’t, your subconscious mind can be thought of as the garden, or fertile soil, where the seeds germinate and grow. What you feed it GROWS. This is another reason why implementing the power of positive thinking and using gratitude affirmations are important to the foundation of your entire thought process or “master program.” Think of your mind being like a computer program and without any updates we stay stuck, repeating behaviors that may not serve us to our highest good.

You might ask what happens as the conscious mind plants the seeds? Two choices:

1. Your subconscious mind will either grow flowers or weeds in the garden that is your life, whichever you choose to plant you ultimately create.

2. For you to grow, to get out of your comfort zone, you have to be willing to feel awkward and uncomfortable doing new things the first few times. This is and always will be part of your growth.

The more in tune with your subconscious you become, the closer you will be to breaking through to success. This is what will separate you from stepping into what you ultimately desire. If you want to work on tapping into your subconscious, I invite you to screenshot my 10 Helpful Gratitude Affirmations or e-mail me here for your free copy.

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