Why Fall is an Excellent Time to Start Exercising

Is Autumn your favorite season? Some of you might look forward to the cooler temperatures, warm brightly lit colors, soups, chili, chestnuts and pumpkin everything! The one thing I've noticed is for some, training takes a bit of a back seat.

Cold temperatures and dark days tempt you to stay at home, and the classic fall comfort food acts as the perfect complement to your weekend hanging on the couch mood. Can you stop it now and step into one of the absolute best seasons to get FIT?! Let me share some of my favorite reasons why it makes a difference for you to get up off of the couch and get moving!

Fight the winter flu
Have you caught the flu or a dreaded cold yet? If you haven't been exercising because it's been a bit too cold for you, think again! Exercising in cooler temperatures is said to actually strengthen your immune system and decrease changes of suffering from a cold when winter comes around. The cells in your body will thank you as your immune system will be equipped to fight off of bacteria. So even if it's a walk, wrap up and get moving outside!

We all have stress in our lives, whether it's the occasional rough day or something in life not in alignment to how you want to feel. Stress can really wreak havoc with your body, mind, and spirit, but studies have shown that exercise is a great way to combat it. Not only are those endorphins natural stress-fighters, but getting yourself into that exercise groove helps get your mind off the things stressing you out. Try it! I promise you will not regret it, especially once the endorphins are coursing through your body!

Resist fall comfort food
Heavy stews, creamy drinks, pumpkin pie, hot chocolate…there are so many unhealthy temptations at this time of year. Give in now, and you might be wishing you didn't come to the New Year. If you do indulge a bit try to stay active, as you remain active, your body will naturally crave healthy food to support your training. Resist excuses. Resist temptation. Await all of your ----- RESULTS. Try my recipe here for a super healthy option for lunch or dinner!

Need sleep
When you have trouble sleeping, one of the best things to do is add some exercise into your regime. Regular exercise can help you sleep better. The best time to work out is in the morning or the afternoon, rather than before bed—if you exercise too closely to bedtime, it can actually have the opposite effect! Luckily, there are other good ways to fill up that pre-bed relaxation time. My personal favorite is having a cup of sleepy-time tea and a warm bath or shower.

Make use of an empty schedule

Did you have a super busy summer and no time to work out? Then this is one less excuse you can use. Vacation time is over and your body and calendar are waiting for you to show up and create some sweat. Take the chance on yourself, turn off the TV and start now! No more excuses. Your time is NOW -- use it wisely!

You'll just be happy

All this put together equals a much happier you. I know you can feel it already! Just imagine yourself post workout feeling good about yourself and knowing you did something for yourself that was so good for you! It's not just those "runner's high" or for me "spinning high" endorphins—regular exercise can actually improve your life in oh-so-many ways. All you need to do is make it a habit. Your mood will improve all around, and you will be happier for taking the time to create a quick sweat! Here's a fun quick workout you can do, and you'll be well on your way.

As you enjoy crisp mornings, remember, no one ever regretted an energizing morning workout!


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