Health and Wellness Angie Bloom Health and Wellness Angie Bloom

My Top 5 Travel Essentials

Every time a new trip comes up, I end up buying new things. Who can relate?! Ha! I don’t know about you but I love to pull out a new pair of pajamas or outfit for a trip that I’ve had planned. While travelling we know it’s going to be hot, or freezing, there may be rain, or it’ll be so dry and I just CAN’T forget my favorite moisturizer.

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Health and Wellness Angie Bloom Health and Wellness Angie Bloom

My Word for 2020 and the Power Behind It

As I’m driving up to Maine with my family this weekend, I’m thinking of my word for 2020 and why it’s so important to me. Since I lost my health over four years ago, every single year since I’ve picked a word that I want to connect to for the next year. I use it as my anchor when I feel less than or not enough.

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Health and Wellness Angie Bloom Health and Wellness Angie Bloom

I'm on a Mission to Help YOU Become The BEST Version of YOU.

I'm on a mission to help you become the best version of YOU. I know what it's like not to feel like yourself. I know what it's like to completely lose your health. But I know what it takes to RISE above.

For years, I struggled with digestive and health issues and chronic infections. I knew if I wanted to successfully manage and overcome my challenges, I needed an approach that would help me with all areas of my life: body, mind, spirit, and environment. I found my solution in perseverance and becoming a holistic health and wellness coach.

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