Why I'm Parenting My Kids Differently After Knowing Their Specific Human Design
HUMAN DESIGN'S primary benefit is to those who haven’t yet been deeply conditioned. This was huge for me especially with the work that I do weekly within my coaching practice unravelling all of the limiting beliefs that society has told us that we have to be “this” or “that.”
What is Human Design?
When you have your chart read, it takes things much deeper, illuminating framework for interpreting the energetics of how you were designed to exist in the world. Human Design is a scientific system of self inquiry and analysis in which gives an inside look into the design of one-self.
Why Human Design has Changed My Life
Human design has been such an incredible tool in my life.
It has completely changed my life personally and in my business.
When we think about it, it’s like we have a genetic code and Human Design is like my soul code. This is something we are all born with. It’s also given me so much peace and compassion towards not only myself, but other people.