Why I'm Parenting My Kids Differently After Knowing Their Specific Human Design

Human Design Parenting

Ra (the founder and creator of HD) introduced us to one of the most important topics within this System—Human Design Parenting. Did you know, this knowledge is primarily here for our children.


HUMAN DESIGN'S primary benefit is to those who haven’t yet been deeply conditioned. This was huge for me especially with the work that I do weekly within my coaching practice unravelling all of the limiting beliefs that society has told us that we have to be “this” or “that.” Reading my children gave me the opportunity to really get REAL with the way I was parenting each of my boys. Both of my boys, Addison and Ben, are completely different personality wise. This was fascinating to me once I understood their specific genetic code or DNA at birth. Prior to my health coaching practice there were so many limiting beliefs I carried around with me which in turn I parented them into my boys. I understand now why my youngest son, can maneuver all over town, while my oldest son is more of a home body. Why I must let my youngest son, almost parent himself! I kid you not, if he was stranded on an island he could survive even at the age of 12! Why is this though? Well, he was uniquely BORN THIS WAY! Cue Lady Gaga!

When we are living authentically and with greater understanding, this supports our process, it is through us this knowledge can reach future generations and change the frequency of this planet — one being at a time. I’m excited about this!

When I think of the generations and linear lines that have been passed down to me, I know for me there are certain ways I was parented that I do not want to pass on to my kids. Of course, this doesn’t mean I hated the way I grew up, because there were many amazing traits I also took from growing up but there are some doozies that I know I DON’T want and shy away from parenting my kids the same way.

Human Design empowers our children to make choices that are true to who they are.

Human Design empowers our children to make choices that are true to who they are. In Ra's Words...

Since we are here, we have a part to play in the grand pattern of life. Truly belonging requires we play our authentic role or we risk feeling empty, lost almost as though we’re not living our purpose.

Ra Qute.png

That feeling of belonging requires self-knowledge and self-acceptance, you stepping into doing the work. Our acceptance leads to more self-love, nurtured when we’re guided in how to live honoring our nature, rather than how OTHERS think we SHOULD live.

The best way to ensure you’re helping them become the person they were born to be, is first and foremost, by being the person YOU were. The person they chose to guide them on their unique path. Believe it not but your kids chose you to parent them!

You know how they say, “Kids don’t come with manuals.” False, they do! It’s called their Human Design Manual to LIFE!

You taking care of YOU, putting yourself first, moving yourself up on the priority list, making sure that you’re feeling your absolute best will model what it looks like to THEM. They LEARN everything from us so you can see how us not showing up as the best versions of ourselves can detour their TRUE path.

Can you imagine what this world will look like when every single person is being who they were meant to be?

No longer being compared to the person beside them, offering the gifts they were given to the world, and loving themselves (and others) so deeply? I can.

Please note: Readings are done on weekdays - no earlier than 5 days from your initial booking. Please have exact time/place/date of birth.




How Do You LIVE Your Human Design?