Psych-K Balance Statements + Fear of Flying
Last week I flew to California, for a few days of relaxation. It was so nice to get away. Typically, the mere thought of getting on a plane would send me in to overdrive with my central nervous system. My fear of flying was real and lived inside my body for many, many years.
Psych-K finding Whole-Brain State - Why it's so Important. Left vs. Right Brain Dominance: Which is Better?
Did you know that by the age of seven you’ve developed some of the most skills and beliefs in your life? Did you also know that research shows that PSYCH-K creates a Whole-Brain State, which in turn acts as a kind of “gateway to higher consciousness,” elevating thinking capacity to new levels of functionality and creativity?
Psych-K What Exactly Is It?
PSYCH-K® is a profound set of processes which assist the subconscious mind to re-write self-limiting subconscious programs (beliefs) into life-enhancing subconscious programs (beliefs).