My Top Pick & Benefits of Collagen

In this blog post, we'll look at what Perfect Hydrolyzed Collagen actually does for your skin, hair, and how it creates head-to-toe anti-aging results from the science side of things. I’ll also break down all the ingredients, so you’ll know exactly what you’re taking. Get ready to learn everything you need to know about Perfect Hydrolyzed Collagen, including all the benefits of consuming collagen into your diet daily!

I was recently introduced to a brand called Perfect Supplements & was blown away with their Perfect Hydrolyzed Collagen. For years, I’ve been using another popular brand, even sponsored by celebrities but then found out they were purchased by another bigger corporation and well the testing I’m looking for wasn’t there. I’ll share more about why I love Perfect Brand, but two things that really stood out to me when comparing Perfect Supplements Collagen to other collagen brands on the market was their heavy metal & glyphosate testing. Their stringent testing & certifications instantly had me intrigued & since then, I’ve really enjoyed adding a scoop of their collagen to my daily mushroom coffee!

What is Collagen?

Collagen is a protein responsible for healthy joints and skin elasticity, or stretchiness. It's in your bones, muscles, and blood, comprising three quarters of your skin and a third of the protein in your body. As you age, your existing collagen breaks down, and it gets harder for your body to produce more. It’s actually the most produced protein within the human body. Our bodies are made up of over 28 different forms of collage & each form is responsible for its own unique role. I’m sure you’ve heard that taking collagen can be beneficial for your hair, skin, joints, or nails, but the potential health benefits of consuming collagen go far beyond skin level. Collagen plays an important role in a variety of bodily functions.

Years ago, when I was diagnosed with SIBO, I started making bone broth weekly. In fact, I still do! It is incredibly immune-boosting & gut healing due to the gelatin that is produced when the bones of an animal are cooked down. That gelatin created by the bones is essentially cooked collagen. Making bone broth can be time-consuming, but my recipe here using the Insta Pot is fast & easy! By supplementing with a collagen like Perfect Hydrolyzed Collagen, it allows you to reap the benefits & nutrients of collagen in a much more convenient & accessible way.

Collagen can be an exceptional supplement for sealing the lining of our gut & aids in overall digestive health thanks to one of the amino acids, glycine, which is found in collagen. Basically, collagen is the “glue” that holds your body together. Neat, huh?!

The three main amino acids found in Perfect Hydrolyzed Collagen are glycine, proline, & hydroxyproline. Glycine is an amino acid that helps reduce inflammation, assists with the functions of the liver, & can even help improve insulin insensitivity. Proline helps the body complete protein synthesis, it also can help regulate a proper metabolism & immune responses. Hydroxyproline was found to trigger skin cells in vitro (in cells) which helps produce more hyaluronic acid, which is essential for boosting the water content of our skin. When collagen is digested in the stomach, it is broken down into amino acids, which are then distributed wherever the body most needs protein.

I am serious about taking good care of my skin and weekly, I get asked what my skincare routine looks like.

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The Benefits of Taking Collagen

Although collagen is an abundant protein in our bodies when we’re young, starting at the age of 25, our body produces 1%% less collagen every year. When we have enough collagen in your body, it shows in our skin because it reduces wrinkles and fine lines.

Improved Skin Health

Collagen helps support healthier hair, skin, and nails. Collagen also helps us keep our skin supple because it improves skin elasticity and hydration and reduces visible wrinkles. Furthermore, collagen contains amino acids Lysine & Methionine, which are both proven to slow the aging process.

Bones & Joints

A lot of people think of bone health and then think of Vitamin D. While Vitamin D plays such an important role in everyone’s bodies, collagen also helps support joint and bone health and can help ease joint pain too. I like the idea of helping my bones become stronger and less joint pain over time.

Stronger, Longer Hair

Another thing I love about collagen is it helps in hair growth. I noticed that when I started taking collagen consistently, even my hair became thicker, and I noticed less hair loss over time. You may notice thicker hair that grows longer, faster, too!

Healthier Nails

With my thyroid disorder, my nails are super brittle, and full of ridges, and I’ve found personally that this helps them stay healthy & strong. I don’t have the strongest nails, and I find the collagen helps them feel less brittle, with less breakage and peeling.

What to look for in a Collagen Supplement:

It’s so important to note, that not all collagen is created equal! As with many other wellness products, it’s hard to tell the difference between a low-quality & high-quality collagen supplement from packaging & label alone. Many low-quality collagen brands hide behind beautiful curated labels, but miss the mark on what’s important in a quality collagen supplement. A lower-quality collagen may be overly processed which destroys the amino acids, they may contain unnecessary filler ingredients, be derived from unhealthy cows, be high in heavy metals, or have a high molecular weight which interferes with the way our body absorbs the supplement.

Working Collagen Peptides into Your Diet:

There are so many ways to work collagen peptides into your diet–but the most popular ways are definitely blended into smoothies, juice, coffee and/or tea, oatmeal, pancakes, soup, any sauce, etc. as it’s tasteless!

Perfect Hydrolyzed Collagen Provides:

  • 100% Hydrolyzed Collagen (11 grams of Collagen per serving)

  • Sourced EXCLUSIVELY From Brazilian Pasture Raised (Grass Fed) Cows

  • 100% Natural and Pesticide and Hormone Free

  • Non-GMO

  • Lactose & Dairy Free

  • Low Molecular Weight For Easy Absorption

  • High Bioavailability

  • Free of Pesticides, Hormones, Chemicals and Contaminants

  • World's First Certified Glyphosate Residue Free Collagen (learn more) - Full Lab Testing Right Here

  • Lab Tested With Proof of Purity

  • No Fillers of Flow Agents - Just Pure Collagen

As always, I am NOT a medical professional & all information provided on my blog is based on personal experience & my own research & should NOT be mistaken for medical advice.

Although I’ve never personally experienced any side effects from taking a collagen supplement, everyone is different. Please be sure to check all ingredients & where the collagen is being derived from for any allergens you may be sensitive or allergic to. An example of this could be a shellfish or egg allergy, depending on the type of collagen.

Other collagen side effects may include:

  • Mild bloating

  • Diarrhea or constipation

  • Rashes

Can I Take Collagen Every day?

Yes, you can! I don’t skip a day ever! Suggested amount is 1-2 scoops daily. The more consistent you are with taking collagen, the more your body will respond.


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