MY TOP SUMMER SKINCARE ESSENTIALS Part Two - Masks, Treatment Steps + Sunscreen
Last week I shared my favorite summertime cleansers + moisturizers (link HERE), this week I am featuring my favorite facial mask, "treatment steps" and sunscreen. I know it may feel like summer is almost over since it's the end of August - but it's not and I always try to hold on to every part of summer as I can!
MY TOP SUMMER SKINCARE ESSENTIALS Pt. 1 - Cleansers + Moisturizers
Summer is in full swing, and I am just loving all that comes with it! It's been a bit rainy, to say the least, which at times I feel like we are living through Fall here but alas the sun came out today finnnnnnallllly! We've had a good amount of our favorite things this summer so far - mountain bike rides, long walks, days at the beach, lots of planning for the Mountain Home, date nights, our anniversary (21 years!) and late nights binging some of my favorite series on Netflix.