A Natural Alternative to Plastic Wrap

Who doesn’t love anything inspired by Bees?! I started my journey with safer and more mindful living years ago and as I was throwing out plastic in my trash cans, day after day, it came to me that there had to be a better solution for the environment. This is when I found Bee’s Wrap! I did a simple google search and was really impressed how well they performed!

Where’s the Plastic In Your Life?

If you answered everywhere, you’re probably not far off. This versatile material is in our appliances, computers, clothing, and so much more. Some of the most common places we find plastic is wrapped around the things we buy every day. It is an effective way to keep food and cosmetics clean and fresh, but do we really need all the plastic? Also, another reason why I shop with brands that are conscious of our beloved Mother Earth.

Believe it or not, plastic is also lurking in places you may not even think of. When you take a look around your home, the vast number of things you’ll find containing plastic may surprise you.

It dawned on me a few months ago, while in Washington, DC, I was there advocating for safer beauty laws (blog post here, why), listening to leading experts in the field about how endocrine disruptors wreak havoc on our health and also the environment. It got me thinking to how much plastic & plastic wrap I use daily. Years ago, I recycled all of my plastic food storage containers, and switched to all glass, but I had yet to remove plastic ziplock baggies or plastic wrap. Every time I used a ziplock or plastic wrap, I had this gut instinct that it wasn’t the best, not only for the environment but also our health and I could do better. I guess if I have learned anything during my clean living journey is that small changes weekly/monthly really do add up. Years ago, I started with making safer swaps for my home, and I’m proud of the progress I’ve made to date. Each year, I continue to swap out items that are not necessarily good for our health, but also environment.

You might not know this, but once I allowed this to sink in, I realized I needed to make a change. Did you know that every piece of plastic ever made still exists today?

Just one pack of a natural alternative wrap can save 1,667 sq. feet of plastic wrap from entering our oceans and landfills each year. That’s enough plastic to cover a single-family home. This is a HUGE impact, plus I had never really thought of it like that, that every single piece of plastic is somewhere on our beautiful earth.

If every American household swapped plastic wrap with a natural alternative or the brand I love is, Bee’s Wrap, we’d save a staggering 212 million square feet (4.8 million acres) of plastic from the planet each year.

How Do I Use it?

You can put Bee’s Wrap to work wrapping ingredients, prepping meals, and storing leftovers in the kitchen or packing sandwiches and snacks on-the-go. Use the warmth of your hands to shape Bee’s Wrap around ingredients and dishes. The wrap will stick to itself, giving your food a hug and creating a protective seal.

It’s also really cool that the wrap can be used in the refrigerator, freezer or at room temperature. It’s important to note, that heat can melt the wax. So try not to expose your wraps to hot water, ovens, microwaves or hot food.

I am serious about taking good care of my skin and weekly, I get asked what my skincare routine looks like.

If you want a personalized skincare recommendation, fill out my skincare questionnaire, and I’ll email you back, or you can email at angie@angiebloom.com. I know the Beautycounter skincare and makeup lines best, but if I think products from other brands will work well for you, I’ll share those too - I like to keep it real here over at Angiebloom.com and if there are other products that would be a better fit for you, you better believe I will share that with you!.

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What to Wrap with Bee's Wrap

Bee’s Wrap is ideal for fruits, vegetables, fresh herbs, cheese, bread and leftovers. We offer a variety of shapes, sizes, formats and formulas to cover a range of food storage and lifestyle needs.

  • Small wraps are great for storing citrus, onions, and avocados.

  • Medium wraps are perfect for cheese, snacks, and baked goods.

  • Large wraps offer easy coverage for bowls, pie dishes and large produce.

  • Sandwich wraps come with a string and wooden button to keep your sandwich secure.

  • Bread wraps keep your loaves fresher, longer.

  • Rolls cover just about anything, with a customizable cut-your-own format.

  • Multi packs offer shapes, sizes and colorful patterns for a variety of uses.

How to Care for Bee's Wrap

To keep your wraps in tip-top shape, always rinse them in cool water. If food scraps stick to your wrap, gently scrub it with mild dish soap using your hands or a soft scrub brush.

Air dry your Bee's Wrap® by draping over a drying rack, a clothesline, or a collapsible Bee's Wrap Drying Rack. Once your wrap is nice and dry, fold it up and tuck it into a drawer or keep it on your kitchen counter.

You can purchase the Natural Alternative Bees Wrap Here >>

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