Meet Angie!
Holistic Health & Wellness Coach, Life Coach, Personal Trainer and Clean Beauty Educator!
Angie knows that in today’s world, where obesity, diabetes, disease, and cancer are at increasingly alarming rates, Holistic Health & Wellness Coaches, like her, can fill the voids in our current healthcare system. It is the time and resources she has that helps people build sustainable, healthy lifestyle habits.
You are your own health expert; however it is common that you or someone you know has perhaps lost touch with being confident in the wellness-based decisions they make each and every day.
As a Holistic Health & Wellness Coach, I do not tell people what to do, I teach them what THEY want to experience and do for themselves. How do YOU want to feel every single day? Do you wake up tired? Do you wake up feeling heavy? Do you lose your energy around 3 or 4 o’clock? Are you tired every morning when you wake up? Do you find yourself craving more sweets than you know you should? Are your food cravings off the charts? Are you feeling sluggish or can’t get our of your own way or funk? Angie makes it clear that working with a Holistic Health Coach is not a cookie cutter diet. Instead I work on opening up to my client’s own instincts and abilities, providing a foundation so that they can function independently and confidently. Working with a Holistic Health & Wellness Coach is a partnership with someone who understands the unique needs of the body, creates accountability, provides invaluable resources, and guides others to uncover their own insights, their own strengths that may be hidden within and help develop their empowerment on their path to total wellness.
Elements such as relationships, exercise, career, home environment, social life, finances, creativity and spirituality are just as important to your health as the food you eat. As a Holistic Health Coach, I understand this, which helps me take an approach that supports you, the whole person.
Angie’s been referred to as a “mindset mentor”, she believes that “good nutrition is the foundation for living a vibrant, happy, and successful life. She also believes that “health is not only about the food that we eat, but the way we move, the thoughts we think, and our relationships with others.” She uses nutrition as the starting point for obtaining optimal health and wellness, which help promotes self health management. Taking a holistic approach allows you to begin implementing healthy lifestyle changes on a physical, emotional and spiritual level. She helps you reach your health & wellness goals through the creation of a sacred space to nurture your personal development, through guidance and empowerment to figure out your own personal health and wellness goals and turning them into ACTION. Make yourself, your health and your happiness a priority!
Angie’s mission is to educate, encourage and empower healthy, mindful living helping others embrace the concept that we are a product of what we eat and how we treat ourselves, the thoughts we think and our Conditioned Self.
She has worked with women around the globe help regain their strengths and lives from within. She has a keen sense of awareness bringing your gifts to the surface. You’ve had them all along she’ll remind you! You can find her speaking about women’s empowerment and body confidence around the Seacoast while educating why safer beauty matters for your health, your families health, the environment and your body.
When working with women and men around mindset, limiting beliefs and the Conditioned Self, she believes that the problem isn’t with your body, the problem is what you think of it… and what you think of yourself.
She knows it’s a tough one to swallow. It’s wasn’t until she accepted full radical responsibility for her thoughts, actions and beliefs around her body herself. To this day, she uses reminders daily for herself to help acknowledge that “it’s not about the size I wear but the way I actually wear my size.” Do you step into your jeans with confidence? Do you put on your bathing suit with confidence? If not, why not? Who said your body should look a certain way? I think it’s safe to say your weight WILL NEVER DEFINE YOUR WORTH. EVER.
I think it’s safe to say that everyone sees beauty differently. Yes, of course, there are norms set out by social media or the media for what is beautiful and those gradually change over time and evolve… like fashion.
Her goal is to shift people's minds through conversation about body image. About confidence. About BEAUTY and that shape is GOOD... Ultimately taking care of yourself will bring you to YOUR OWN optimal beauty. Your body wants nothing but health and wouldn’t you agree that HEALTH is BEAUTY? It's clear skin. Strong muscles. It's 8 hours of sleep. It’s strong nails and luminous hair. It's your morning walk. It's the gym. It's the grocery store. Its picking healthy restaurants and healthy options. It’s choosing safer beauty for you because you can and ultimately care for your sacred temple.
You have to feed the good!
Oftentimes we’re blind to our own barriers to success. And these barriers to our success oftentimes masquerade as logical-sounding reasons why we cannot accomplish what we’re fully capable of accomplishing. Does this resonate with you?
Angie’s coaching touches on and within the Conditioned Self. This part of us still functions in a child-like capacity so its skills at taking care of us are very limited, and often unproductive. Our Conditioned Self is stuck in fear-based thinking, reactive, worrisome, anxious, feels heavy and burdened, contracted, negative, distorted in its views, and trapped in a victim stance. You can see how this is not conducive to success either personally or professionally.
Within her coaching practice, she ends up holding you to a different standard. She supports you operating from your Authentic Self. Here are a few signs that you are in your Authentic Self:
• Connecting through faith and love vs fear-based thinking
• Taking positive action and steps forward
• Reaching out for support (vulnerability)
• Expansive thinking
• Feeling empowered and self-loving
• Breathing fully, and feeling energetically light
Wouldn’t you agree that this is a much more productive way to stay on track with goals, which will over time ultimately lead you to success in your business and your life? Below you can follow a link to a special download on my website JUST FOR YOU with top tips on how you can practice self-care/love; not just today but for the rest of the year!
If you are new to Beautycounter you can up your self care game by saving 20%! We have the time right now to take care of ourselves so why not experience it with Better Beauty?!
I believe it's the right thing to do because we should never have to compromise health in the name of beauty. I am on a personal crusade to do what she can to educate and empower others about how they can reduce their toxic load when it comes to personal care products.
Environmental toxins are all around us. Many of which we cannot control. But we can absolutely take the reins on what goes in and on our bodies. I would be grateful if you took a few minutes to take a peek here. I would be even more grateful if you passed this message along to someone who is important to you. When it comes to our health, we must be our own advocate. It starts with awareness and becoming an educated consumer. A year ago I didn't realize that companies were allowed to use ingredients linked to cancer, reproductive toxicity and hormone disruption in my everyday products that I slathered on my largest organ, my skin. Now I know and now I am empowered to share my knowledge with others. We all Deserve Better.
I would be so very grateful if you took a moment to watch this short video, and pass it onto others that may need to as well.