What is a Heart Wall & How Do You Know if You Have One?

Health + Wellness

Do You Have a Heart-Wall?

Have you ever been injured emotionally? Have you ever felt that emotional heaviness in your chest, like your heart was breaking?

A Heart Wall is created by your subconscious to protect you from heartache. We all have a Heart Wall from negative past events. Our hearts are vulnerable to emotional injury. Sometimes trapped emotions are created in the body, and sometimes these trapped emotions lodge in the heart area.

Did you know that over 90% of people hold a heart-wall, which not only limits their ability to experience love but also gives them a hard time feeling POSITIVE emotions?

As time passes, the Heart Wall can grow thicker and hold us back with the feeling of anxiety, being victimized and more introverted than normal. Eventually, we start losing our ability to give and receive love within our relationships in our life. Have you ever felt closed off and you’re not sure what happened? A heart-wall could be why.

A “Heart-Wall” can be considered as an emotional shield to protect our heart and is created to catch or block future negative emotions from harming us. When we have experienced traumatic emotions like grief, sorrow, loss, hurt or betrayal, our subconscious mind forms an “energy wall” to protect our heart against further heartache and assault. Maybe you feel closed off, but aren’t sure why?

Clearing a Heart Wall can help restore the immune system, increase ability to genuinely give and receive love, open pathways that have felt ‘stuck’ (lack of finances, relationship dead-ends, etc.), unravel self-deception, and empower clarity for life’s purpose.

When we have a Heart-Wall we lose that intuitive connection, lack higher awareness, feel disconnected and lack empathy. It can contribute to physical issues such as neck, shoulder or chest discomfort, fatigue and respiratory issues. It can leave you numb to emotions, creating disconnection from others. A Heart-Wall can also make it harder to feel positive because you have a barrier of negative emotional energy around your heart day in and day out.

An umbrella is useful when it’s raining, but can get in the way and get annoying if you’re carrying it around all the time when you don’t need it. Having a Heart-Wall shuts you off from experiencing the enjoyment and happiness of life.

I’ve seen most sessions take from 2 to 4 sessions when I’m working with clients, depending on the number of emotions that need to be released - this can vary from person to person, but I typically find around 25-40 heart wall emotions.

Clearing a Heart-Wall

One of the best parts of Emotion Code therapy is removing the Heart-Wall. I have seen so many of clients carry Heart Walls and once this is removed they report feeling so much lighter and more aligned in so many ways.

It can be a good thing to have this protective mechanism when we need it, in a fight-or-flight situation or let’s say something like a divorce or painful experiences. The problem is that having a Heart-Wall is like living in a tornado shelter; it’s nice to have its protection while there’s danger, but if you have it forever it can be blocking your heart from complete health and happiness.

The good news is that clearing it is easy and can be incredibly life-changing. I’ve seen it with my very own eyes. Within a session, we find each Heart-Wall emotion separately, learning what we need to know to remove the layers one at a time.

What can you experience from removing your Heart-Wall

  • greater sense of peace

  • changes to the energy around you and the energy you attract

  • improved relationships at home and work

  • abundance increase

  • falling in love for the first time

  • increased confidence

  • more creativity

  • feeling lighter and emotionally free

  • self sabotage behaviors disappear

  • ability to give and receive love

  • improved relationships

  • you are less in your ego, more in tune with what others are saying and what you say to them - there is an expansion of breath

  • possible financial abundance

  • massive shifts out of sadness, loneliness, hopelessness and excessive fear and worry

  • attracting healthy relationships after years of the opposite

  • being open and willing to try new things

Once removing the Heart Wall, the effects can be understated and profound. If you are reading this and connecting to this message with a deeper inner knowing you may have one, book your session today. Listen to your gut, it’s there for a reason - I call it an inner knowing. If you want to experience more peace at home and work with, feeling TRUE love and happiness again, this is your sign!

How is the Heart-Wall Released?

Within my integrative coaching practice, I use the Emotion/Body Code technique to find trapped emotional energies in the body.  This is to detect any stuck energy and/or release the Heart Wall. You can use the same technique.

I will walk you through the process when clearing these energies using a magnet and muscle testing alongside your subconscious mind.

Clients have reported feeling lighter and health issues subsiding, and when the emotion(s) leave their body, you may feel chills, yawn as a form of release, or sometimes I’ve seen clients feel a moment of nausea or dizziness.

How To Know If You Have a Heart Wall

The best way is to book your session here! We will detect if you have a Heart Wall at your Integrative Emotion Release Therapy Session. Your subconscious mind will give us all the answers we need through muscle testing to find out if you have a Heart Wall. Just as you received the emotions around your heart, we will remove them one by one. I will use muscle testing (similar to kinesiology) to connect via proxy with your subconscious mind to release your Heart Wall. It is the same process as a regular Emotion Code session, but I’ll be specifically focusing on releasing emotions from your Heart Wall.

Imagine how your life could change if all that negative emotional energy around your heart that isn’t serving you was released? Remember, a Heart Wall is created by your subconscious to protect you from heartache. We all have a Heart Wall from negative past events, and your heart is the center of your being. Trauma, emotional heartaches are hard to forget, and when trauma or painful experiences happen, you build a wall to protect you - then over time your Heart Wall grows after additional traumatic emotional events.

What’s a Heart Wall Have to With Your Dating and Physical Attraction?

Think about it this way, energy attracts energy. Am I Right or Am I Right?! Ask yourself, what really attracts us to another person? Is it their eyes, the way they dress, personality or looks? Or the more important questions, is it your energy field and your heart wall?

Our energy is constantly evolving, and hopefully in a good way! With a Heart Wall, is that possible? So many times, I’ve seen clients attract those with very similar vibrational energy and once the Heart Wall is released the game changes drastically!

I like to call this “Heart Walls attract Heart Walls”.

We subconsciously attract people feel we "deserve" rather than those we "desire". Profound isn’t it?!

See the person you truly desire who could bring you the true love and happiness could be perceived as a threat, and you unknowingly will push them away and self sabotage yourself and your happiness. If you have a hard time giving and received the RIGHT kind of love, it’s time to check your Heart Wall!

Ready to Schedule Your Heart-Wall Session?

You can book your session here, and then we’ll move forward with a Heart-Wall session.

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